Business Reports are different from the personal reports in that they use the language of business to articulate the conclusion of the EPQ. These reports are designed for Enneagram professionals working in a business setting and can be used as a support for  in-depth coaching or larger team projects.

The two business reports come together and cannot be purchased separately. If the feedback session, or your own reflection, leads to an alternative conclusion to the one we initially offered, then a second updated Enneagram Profile can be ordered from us free of charge.


Confirmation Report

This report is a deep dive into the conclusions we have drawn. The client’s responses are offered in a structure that presents their unique profile in the context of the Enneagram as a whole. This process will not only confirm our findings for the coach but allows the client to explore their profile within an awareness-building format that is focused, efficient and informed

Business Profile Report

This report presents the implication of the client’s Enneagram profile in the language of motivation and personality and outlines how those qualities are likely to manifest in the client’s work style, team behaviours, management and leadership approach. It takes a developmental perspective and is suitable for those with no previous Enneagram knowledge



Buying in quantity?

If you wish to purchase business reports in quantity, and wish to set up an account with us, then please click here.

Looking for a report that doesn’t use the language of business?

If you are a life coach, therapist, counselor, or even a business coach and would prefer a report that doesn’t use the language of business, then the Developmental Path Report may well be more suitable for your needs.