Self-Preservation Fives look after themselves in a physical and emotional sense by “keeping out” what feels draining to them and being highly self-sufficient in supplying their own needs. Usually highly introverted these fives are happy alone and usually adopt coping strategies in social situations that allow them to deflect others; they might ask lots of questions, or go along with others by way of camouflage.
These Fives are observers and are not highly communicative, they would describe how they feel more than express emotion. They may well be frugal, preserve the resources they have, and minimise their needs, but in doing so they take care of themselves. The castle that is referred to can be a mental space as much as a physical one - both provide the Type Five ithe space into which they can retreat when they need to.
The One to One Five applies avarice to realm of relationships. The One to One drive looks for connection and intimacy, which is at odds with Avarice. The result is an oscillation but also the search for perfect relationships- people to click with deeply “one at a time”. Openness, Closeness, Confidence and Trust within relationship become key values in order to feel both the absence of separation and the security of containment. The title Confidant refers to the nature of these close one to one relationships.
Having a mental orientation with a tendency for abstraction the five can create an idealised archetype of people whom they are yet to find. When opened to their emotional sensitivity they become romantic and intense. Some express intensity through artistic expression others demand intense one to one contact which they both love and fear being drained by.
Social Fives look to understand things at the biggest scale. They may use knowledge, theory, philosophy or theology as their vehicle to find what they need by having clear insight into it. Totem reflects that relationships are often in service to this greater insight; associating with those who share their perspective and value what the Five wants clearer understanding or knowledge of. Transparency is sought through the search for transcendent ultimate ideals. The title Totem refers to the Five relating to others through these super ideals represented on the Totem.
Avarice is played out in the need for specialness; insight worthy of their resources and the people to share the journey with who have admirable, special qualities to share. These types search for the theory of everything, the ultimate meaning that transcends meaninglessness and may look towards the skies and care little for life down on earth.