The Self Preservation loses themselves in the satisfaction of physical needs. By compulsively immersing themselves in some form of numbing behaviour these Nines avoid having to take action from their own choice. They like the comfort of routine and they structure their lives in a way that reduces the chance of the unexpected. They like to think of the world as being “concrete and real” to avoid the sort of inner questioning that challenges this refuge. They find their peace in low level external stimulation.
“I used to watch TV whenever I wasn’t doing something else ... it was always on at my parents' house so the family didn’t have to interact. I remember once a close friend came round who was having a very difficult time and I just watched videos for the whole day. I could find something ‘interesting’ in anything, from the most frivolous to the driest subject.”
These Nines have a passionate drive to find the person with whom they can merge completely, feeling thereby they will find themselves. This is sloth played out through losing oneself in another. It can also be channelled into religion and the desire to be one with God. In this case there may be a conflict between merging with the partner or with God, or they look for the divine in the partner and merge with that. “I AM you’” gives the illusion of being a self.
“There is simply a big gap between me and the absolute love I long for. If I could only find that and sink myself into it completely, then everything would be all right; I would be whole.”
The term for the social subtype of Type Nine is "Participation". The social Nine subsumes themselves into the needs of the group. The term sloth can seem inappropriate for this Nine who is usually super busy keeping everyone happy and together- but this is exactly where the sloth comes in, they forget themselves through participation. It may mean joining teams, or setting up activity groups for others to participate in, or networking. Nines act on behalf of the group to the extent that they lose themselves, though such action feels ‘right’ and therefore ‘chosen’.
“We are all one. It’s really important to me that everyone joins in and that the whole group works together, and that we enjoy ourselves doing it. I will take the lead in the group if a fight is taking place, and I love creating harmony. Conflict really is an illusion - if only everyone could get that!”