Focus being "good" and "doing the right thing" on themselves. This leads them to exerting a high degree of control over their negative emotions such as anger and replacing such feelings with the presentation of a pleasant and warm persona."Getting things right" focuses on things related to personal security and well-being. This could be in fields as diverse as Insurance, construction, cooking or yoga but the theme is the same.
The fear of "being at fault" can lead to feelings of anxiety as the drive to get all things right meets with the realities of life. This anxiety can lead to worry which compounds the need to get things right.. The instinctual drive to reduce external threat can lead to an attempt to control the external world. This can mean there is an emphasis on preperation, diligence and exacting work that minimises the threat of personal misfortune or that they may be found responsible for things not being as they should be
Focus being "good" and "doing the right thing" on the quality of connection and significant others in their lives. This can lead them to being a reformer as they act out the drive to improve others. The energy associated with the one-to-one (sexual) instinct, when applied to the drive to make things right, can make this person passionate about their ideals and seem impatient, direct and forceful.
The drive to improve others can become rationalised and made virtuous through the belief in, or alignment with, a higher moral code. This can give a certain zeal to the drive of this subtype. The instinct creates a drive for the perfect relationship or connection, anything that challenges that sense of an ideal connection can lead to anger usually experienced as jealousy.
Focus being "good" on setting the best example to the group- setting an example meets the instinctual drive to be important and to offer something to the well being of the community. The "example" that is set originates from the Ones internal sense of truth and this can lead to a highly independent, almost rigid adherence to inner rules that paradoxiaclly alienate them from the group.
The drive "to be right" can lead to an attempt to control the group's perception of them as being perfect, which leads to greater efforts to set a good example and sometimes the projection of superiority. Can easily take on the role of a teacher by example. They prioritise their social values and expect others to align with them. They are the keeper of their rules a bit like a head master of a school. .