Self Preservation Sevens find gluttony through meeting their own needs through connections with people they build alliances of friendship with. The planning is played out in the imagined security that having such a network of like-minded people provides. They create their own surrogate "family" within which they have a privileged position and who promises to provide the Seven with varied and exciting input.  "I've loads of friends, all over - some abroad - and each one of them is necessary to me, even if I don't see them that often." More practical 

Much more practical than the other Sevens they keep their "nose to the wind" for opportunities that will create advantage for themselves; they are not blind to the resources that come with certain friendships. Cheerful and friendly they maintain a light-hearted approach to life that allows them to skip over connection with more direct experience and difficult emotions. 

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One to One Sevens find Gluttony and Planning in relating with other people and in their pursuit of interests. They put magic into relationships and life experiences. They naturally put an extra sparkle on life and the people they relate with. Their mind races with ideas on how wonderful the person is and how they could do such wonderful things together- during the initial conversation. Physical qualities, that can be the source of fantasy, stick out to the Type Seven. The Seven helps the person "fit into the magical costume" the Seven has created for them, and this can make people feel "rather wonderful".The Seven reciprocates by being suggestible.

But as with any fascination, the fantasy element can only be held for so long. The person may be deeply shocked when, after such attention and intensity, the Seven becomes fascinated by something else and moves on. In the same way the Seven may do something very intensely for a year or so and then move on- never to go back.


The Social Seven plays out their gluttony in sharing fun and pleasure with others- continually thinking up, and organising, ways in which people can enjoy life together. Often with a personal ascetic quality they feel some virtue in going without. The term sacrifice refers to their capacity to go without for the benefit of the group and those they care about. The Social Seven lives through mental prism of abundance and pleasure they "think" other people are having.

They often feel they have a life mission, that world suffering is their responsibility and this can make them more serious and stressed than the other two Types of Seven. The Seven is very much in touch with their needs and desires- going without, or delaying pleasure is always mentally framed in some bigger pleasure principle- or some future reward. A reactive Social Seven is one who suddenly feels like that reward has been taken away after "sacrificing" themselves for a period of time. . 
