This "cute" Two expresses pride in the expectation that they will be loved and protected and important in the same way a child is deserving of such a position. They seduce, charm and elicit protective instincts in others by playing up to the cute image of being naturally loveable and inherently deserving of affection.
The self-preservation instinct of this Two causes them to express more ambivalence about relationship. This Two has a "counter-move" away from others- a shyness- borne out of a need for self-protection and to avoid potential rejection. Self-Preservation Twos are more self-indulgent and hedonistic. They look for pleasurable experiences, parties, shopping, drinking or indulging in food and fun to distract themselves from feelings of self-abandonment and inner deprivation.

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Strong willed this subtype is more passionate and emotionally expressive and is orientated to power and control in the context of one to one relationships. They charm and enchant with an attractive image that arouses interest and desire and use such seductive abilities to gain allegiances through which their needs are met. They have an unconscious need to feel lovable through being desired.

This pattern reflects a prideful sense that others will want to meet their needs because they are so appealing, charming and generous. They move toward others and manoeuvre themselves into a position into a special place with an active, purposeful attitude. One-to-One Twos justify their actions in the name of love, as if love were the only emotion, the centre of life, the experience that justifies everything. One-to-One Twos typically put a great deal of energy into making relationships happen.


This subtype seeks to feel lovable through cultivating an image of being an influential person- a seducer of environments. Being ambitious they have a desire to; ” be in the know,” becoming close to the people who are perceived as powerful, and with a desire to wield power themselves. Social Twos are skilful at working behind the scenes to extend the influence, supporting and helping larger entities move in directions that they direct.

The Social Two often has a strategic angle when expressing generosity; supporting others as a way of ensuring loyalty and reciprocal relationships. Social Twos can also be workaholics. They tend to engage in power struggles, wanting to dominate and play the protector, People with this subtype tend to deny vulnerable emotions, such as shame, fear, despair, mistrust, jealousy, and envy.
