Brief Description of Nine Dominant Profiles

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Type One

Type Ones are disciplined, self-controlled, principled, objective, conscientious, structured, discerning, idealistic and sensible.

Enneagram Ones are motivated to feel aligned to their inner sense of the way things should be. This means they monitor their behaviour against internal standards, that are often very high such that there is always more to do. The clarity of what is sensed to be right means they naturally react with a sense of “should “or “should-not” which they apply to themselves or others. They are conscientious and feel that they must distinguish between right and wrong and apply themselves diligently to make the world better. They can find it difficult to allow themselves pleasure for its own sake especially if they could be found at fault when there is work to be done. Emotionally self- control is important for many Type Ones as they see emotions as potential distractions, and even when pleasant they could trigger impulsive and incorrect action. Ones are action orientated and feel a personal responsibility for putting things right. Expanded Version

Type Two

Type Twos are relationship-orientated, empathetic, generous, thoughtful, helpful, supportive, other-orientated, caring, sacrificing and receptive.

Enneagram Twos are motivated to have the lovable image they hold of themselves affirmed in the context of relating to others. Type Two has the self-view that love needs to be earned, so they act in a way that means others will love them. Many Type Two’s recognise this pattern as an internalised value system which they feel a strong need to conform to. Very sensitive to others' needs and feelings, they are able to show just that part of their personality which will draw a person to them. Two’s are there for others but do not find it easy to recognise their own needs; they expect others to be equally attuned to their needs as they are attuned to others. Emotionally receptive and available they often don't recognise their own physical limits, priding themselves by living up to the demands of their lovable self-image. Expanded Version

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Type Three

Type Threes are achievement driven, results orientated, efficient, hard-working, success-orientated, competence focused, image-aware, charming, adaptable, driven and diplomatic.

Enneagram Threes are motivated to be seen by themselves and others in the positive light of being competent, with the capacity to make things happen. A Type Three identifies who they are with what they are and they want to make a good impression. The drive to be seen as a success can be displaced through their support of others or can play out in personal ambition,  a need for status and the symbols of success.  Highly inwardly competitive they affirm to themselves the importance of what they achieve by constantly driving for better. Likewise interpersonal competition rewards the Type Three with affirmation and meaning to their success. Emotionally driven they often feel as well as they are “doing” and this disconnection can hurt until failure brings them back to themselves. Expanded Version

Type Four

Type Fours are individualistic, self-expressive, aesthetically sensitive, romantic, nostalgic, emotionally attuned, introspective, passionate, self-aware and inspired.

Enneagram Fours are motivated to find their identity, create meaning and fulfil their purpose in life. They are driven to find and draw out the essential quality of people or things and enjoy the beauty and “specialness” of that unique essential expression. Often they are self- expressive and report feeling different from others and look to find themselves in the creative expression of that difference. Fours also find expression in art, philosophy, photography or in living life just the way they want to. Feeling that something is missing in life they yearn fill that gap. They sense the essential nature of things and find satisfaction in uncovering that.  When this is essential approach applied to their life purpose or some creative ideal the Type Four can be truly energised and inspired. Expanded Version

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Type Five

Type Fives are cerebral, perceptive, observant, independent minded, curious, unsentimental, emotionally inexpressive, detached, self-sufficient, inventive and private.

Enneagram Fives are motivated to gain insightful and thorough knowledge that leads to clear understanding. Type Fives highly value their capacity to think about life in a way that objectively and perceptively reflects it. Some focus on conceptual or theoretical frameworks while others adopt a more fact-orientated specialism approach in their desire to form an accurate sense of reality as they see it. This cerebral approach can make them appear to be distant observers. Highly independent they need time for themselves and when this is not possible they retreat into thinking despite being with others. Fearing depletion in what seems to be an intrusive world they set clear boundaries and are careful with resources. They stay in control of potential demands on their emotional energy. Expanded Description

Type Six

Type Sixes are loyal, reliable, responsible, vigilant, prepared, questioning, testing, self-doubting, sceptical, dutiful, security conscious and careful.

Enneagram Sixes are motivated to minimise anxiety through being prepared, creating security, and finding a situation where they feel they belong amongst supportive others. Though possibly unaware of being fearful, Type Sixes want to know on what and whom they can place their trust in a world that feels unsafe and threatening. They scan for threats and imagine worst possible outcomes with the intention to be fore-armed. Sometimes challenging themselves with fearful situations to show they are unafraid and at other times cautious guarding themselves against risk. They value and search for truth in the certitude it provides but are at their best when they place their faith in their inner knowing.  Having given their trust, Type Sixes foster cooperation with loyalty and commitment. Expanded Description


Type Seven

Type Sevens are positive, playful, optimistic, future-focused, socially orientated, adventurous, spontaneous, versatile, variety seeking, innovative and novelty seeking.

Enneagram Sevens are motivated to feel “up” and avoid emotional pain, they want to feel free and maximise pleasurable experiences. Type Sevens hate to feel trapped, taking commitments day by day. They stay emotionally “up” by constantly re-framing the present into a positive light and by creating and playing with possible positive future scenarios. Highly future-orientated they create a momentum in life and approach it as an adventure; tending to forget the sadness of the past. Playful and spontaneous they enjoy being at the forefront of new experiences, new people and new ideas.  Creative networkers they synthesise people and ideas. Socially orientated they actively bring others “up” in order to affirm that life is positive and free of suffering. Expanded Description

Type Eight

Type Eights are assertive, action-orientated, direct, strong,  caring, protective, pragmatic, loyalty conscious, determined, decisive, resourceful, controlling , and occasionally excessive.

Type Eights are motivated to control their environment; to live life to the full in a way that is self-reliant, strong and invulnerable. Type Eights take on challenges to feel the vibrancy of living and prove that they are strong.  They are concerned about justice and fairness, and are willing to fight for them. Truth for a Type Eight is often not subjective- things are the way they are. Projecting their weakness onto others they stand up for and protect those they see as being weaker than themselves. Aware of where power lies, they will not let themselves be controlled by others. Loyalty is a central value and their gut reaction tells them who to trust. They have an “arms around” way of relating- you are either with me or against me and I look after all those who are loyal to me. Expanded Description



Type Nine

Type Nines are calm, patient, steady, agreeable, uncomplicated, easy going, supportive, receptive, conflict-avoidant, contented, genuine, trusting and inwardly optimistic.

Type Nines are motivated to maintain an inner state of peace and harmony. They are emotionally calm and strive to keep the peace externally. Accommodating and trusting they are excellent listeners, open to understanding everyone else's point of view; but not so good at knowing what they think or want. Rhythms and routines make life harmonious and comfortable. Typically adopting a “going along to get along” approach they avoid conflict until they realise that inaction also has consequences. Consistently ignoring emotional reactivity they can become numbed to their inner purpose while being stubborn and sometimes angry if pressurised.  They sustain inner harmony with inessential busyness, or low intensity entertainment; or when fully self-aware become indomitable with vibrancy and drive. Expanded Description