Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy… the most informed interpretation of the Enneagram system.
“ OUR EXPERIENCE GIVES YOU THE CONFIDENCE “ …click to introduce our team
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a “blueprint” that allows us to see that our personality traits and motivational drives can be mapped into a pattern, and that pattern is part of a moving system. It is analogous to the magic one feels when one sees how perfectly the logarithmic spiral fits onto the nautilus snail shell.
What do we do?
In the same way that a plumber does not teach welding we do not only see our role as being teachers of the Enneagram. We use our expertise to make your business flow more smoothly. The Enneagram methodology offers the necessary psychological depth to resolve any issue in a sustainable way.
Why use the CPS®?
The CPS Questionnaire accurately places you or your client within the Enneagram system. Designed by consultants for consultants we are fully GDPR compliant. We use value neutral, paired responses, suitable for those who work in competitive environments where there is pressure to present an idealised image.
This report comes with the Coaches Typing Report for those who have qualified within the CP Academy
The Business profile Report offers the insights of an Enneagram Profile in the language of business. It explores an individual’s motivation and how this will impact on their managerial behaviour and leadership approach.
This report is written in a way that is accessible to all and is bespoke in that it can be ordered as a two page summary or an ten page analysis. The report can be compared and contrasted with others in the team to build understanding.
The emphasis of the report is positive in that it highlights the motivational drives of an individual and how these drives can manifest as strengths in the workplace. It also outlines the impact of over-playing these strengths
This report highlights
What drives the person, why they do what they do.
The strengths associated with these drives
What the individual will need to engage them
Where and how they will best fit into the team
The things they should know to be most effective
Easy wins or how to channel effort most effectively
Growth and development through self-awareness
Compassion and collaboration through understanding
This is a companion to the Business Profile Report for those who have qualified within the CP Academy
Within the Enneagram teaching community there is a strong tradition that an individual should identify their own profile. We wish to sustain that tradition while incorporating the benefits of a standardised process.
This report is designed to give the coach the evidence and data to understand why we reached our conclusion and allow that to inform their discussion with the client. This evidence-based approach means that our conclusion as to the client’s profile can be challenged by the client in a way that builds engagement, knowledge and understanding.
Over the years we have worked with this questionnaire we have found that the feedback session, informed by the Coaches Typing Report, is often the most insightful and beneficial part of the process. It tends to be full of “aha” moments as the client comes to an understanding of their unique profile within the Enneagram system as a whole.
Lets the client see patterns within responses
Is respectful to the nuances of each profile
Creates structure for in-depth discussion
Allows profile to be explored in context
Encourages engagement and ownership
Examples of behaviours related to motivation
Builds confidence in the conclusions
About the CPS® Enneagram Profiling Questionnaire®
The CPS® is a fully adaptive questionnaire tailored to the client’s responses so that no two people take the same path through. It takes 30 minutes to complete and consists of value neutral paired responses that ensure that it is suited to the corporate environment- it is far more difficult to respond according to an idealised image when there are two value-balanced options to choose from. We do not include self-incriminating questions that can be characteristic of other Enneagram tests; there is only one way for someone to respond to the question “How often do you get angry?”; if they are already being pulled up for anger related issues at work. We recognise people get interrupted completing these questionnaires so answers are stored as they are completed and the client can return to the questionnaire at any point.
This online process is currently in the developmental stage but will be ready by March this year. The process is both a report and an interactive process that offers you your unique Enneagram Profile while introducing you to the wealth of insightful material offered by the online CP Enneagram Academy.
On completion of the EPQ® Questionnaire a report with your Enneagram profile will be sent to your email address you enter along with links and an access code to all the material that will be directly relevant to you..
The site is interactive and allows you to explore the Enneagram as a whole so that the implications of your profile become apparent and you start to realise a little more about yourself and the difference between your perception of your environment and that of others.
The things the Enneagram helps you to learn about are..
Your habits; why you keep doing the things you do
What you are hoping for by doing those things
That life might actually be very different for each of us
Understanding and compassion for your “faults”
Your strengths and why you are good at certain things
Why you prefer to be, and do things, your way
How you are likely to annoy others and they you
This Report is currently being written by Beatrice, Uranio and Fergus and will be completed by March. This report goes into more depth and detail in regard to Wings, Arrows and the developmental suggestions related to each type.
This report is written in everyday language but does make reference to some of the complexity inherent to the Enneagram- “it makes the Enneagram come alive”. It moves from the behavioural level to the insights that can be accessed through committed developmental work.
Identifying Enneagram type is just the start- identifying one’s profile is really just the map. This report attempts to answer the question “what next?”.
A detailed description of the nuances of your profile.
Implication of your relative use of Wings and Arrows
What your profile suggests in terms of places to focus
“Turning around” and building awareness of essence
The developmental path for your subtype and profile.
The self-awareness keys specific to your profile
The specific challenges and pit falls you may well face
How to open to essence and stop chasing your tail.
The CPS is accessible to all, you do not need to be qualified to purchase a questionnaire. However, you can qualify to use the Coaches Guide which comes with the Business Profile Report within the Chestnut Paes Academy.
For details of the CP Professional Qualification Click here
Providing effective Enneagram solutions for Coaches and Consultants
The Transformative Enneagram: Inner Work
Taught by Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes
Applying new formulas for self-development. Exploration of the Enneagram symbol as a process model that forms the basis for a map of levels of awareness. Applying knowledge about instincts and subtypes to create positive change. Doing necessary psychological work to prepare the way for an awareness level shift, including working with passions, emotional reactivity, core wounds of the types, and integrating the shadow. Using the arrow line connected points for growth. Evoking the Virtues.
Providing effective Enneagram solutions for Coaches and Consultants
Enneagram for Coaches and Consultants
Taught by Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes
Covering all aspects of typing and assessment. How to derive the full Enneagram-based personality picture when working with clients. Typing methods, ways of determining what is happening with clients and others–and how to work with different elements of the Enneagram system, including instincts, subtypes, levels of awareness, and using wings and arrow-line-connected points as growth paths
The CPS, represents a coming together of two of the most experienced international Enneagram teachers, Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes with Fergus Sullivan, a business consultant and a specialist in psychometric testing. Originally called the EPQ, the CPS has been used in-house by Sullivan Business Psychologists for over fifteen years. Thousands of Senior Leaders have benefited from the insights contained within the EPQ/CPS. The CPS emerged as a natural response to demand from our associates who wanted a questionnaire they could use with their clients. Our mission is a deep commitment to building self awareness, insight and personal growth through the Enneagram.
Helen English
Helen is an executive coach and change consultant with an exceptional depth of experience whose entire career has centred on people and systemic change. Her professional path spans early roles in L&D and HRD through to Management Consulting, Organisational Development and a thriving Coaching practice. The golden thread has been a focus on people and change in organisations, across a wide variety of industry sectors and settings, with managers, leadership teams and CEOs. She draws on a depth and breadth of life and corporate experience that inspires trust, offers insight and
enables genuine transformation.
Brian Sullivan
With over forty years experience in Senior Executive Assessment Brian brings a wealth of understanding in regards to the application of theoretical tools when making judgements at a senior level. Brian developed the original Motivational Profile Questionnaire MPQ thirty years ago and has been exploring the role of motivation in predicting behaviour and performance ever since.
Contact Us
If your enquiry is urgent or you have a technical enquiry please call us on the UK number..
0044 (0) 7738 115624
138 Lennard Road, London
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