What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a “blueprint” that allows us to see that our personality traits and motivational drives can be mapped into a pattern, and that pattern is part of a moving system. It is analogous to the magic one feels when one sees how perfectly the logarithmic spiral fits onto the nautilus snail shell.
What do we do?
In the same way that a plumber does not teach welding we do not only see our role as being teachers of the Enneagram. We use our expertise to make your business flow more smoothly. The Enneagram methodology offers the necessary psychological depth to resolve any issue in a sustainable way.
Why use the CPS®?
The CPS Questionnaire accurately places you or your client within the Enneagram system. Designed by consultants for consultants we are fully GDPR compliant. We use value neutral, paired responses, suitable for those who work in competitive environments where there is pressure to present an idealised image.